USE your library or LOSE your library!

One of the best ways to save money when you are an avid reader like myself is to simply join your local library. Free books on any subject you can imagine, as an avid reader myself, I can't and don't want to shell out 20, 30, 40 pounds each month to maintain my reading habit, and yes e-books are cheaper but despite enjoying my kindle, it doesn't beat the feel of a real book. Also if you really wanted to save money then you could also give up your home internet connection and just use the free WiFi at your library. As an ex-library worker, I remember talking to one member who did this and also turned off her heating, spending hours every day in the library to save money. She loved it there so it made financial sense.

Libraries are are going through an extremely rough time at the moment. With council budgets being slashed, libraries are an easy and convenient target for cuts. Book budgets have been slashed and staff laid off as well as many branches being completely closed. Yet libraries are the one thing we really need in these times of austerity.  Libraries provide computing facilities and WiFi; teenagers and students need the library not only because it is a depository of knowledge but also for the study space, many do not have their own rooms or quiet space at home to revise for important exams or to get assignments done; libraries offer audio books for those who can no longer read, have difficulty reading or just prefer to listen, this is a life line to many as audio books do not come cheap; and finally the library is a place of solace, a place where we can all go for help and some peace, away from the noise of a big city or a crowded home and know we are welcome.  I guess what I am really saying is please use your library or you will lose your library because as in everything in modern life, it's a numbers game.

To read more about how to help save libraries, please go to:


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