I'm back! And I didn't even know I had gone

Austerity has affected many and at the start of 2016, I found myself with no job yet still plenty of after school activities to fund along with a tea and chocolate habit. I had less money but a lot more time on my hands so I I decided that it would be fun to write a blog, practise my long forgotten touch typing skills and just have an outlet for all my thoughts. Being at home can be a lonely experience and keeping busy helps with that. So I did some research and then I stumbled upon 
a blog called 'Resolution thrifty' written by me! I had started a blog back in 2012 and then completely forgotten about its existence when I returned to work. I don't know if its fate or just an example of a poor memory but I decided that it made sense to just carry on from where I left off with a tweak here and there. So this is my first post to my old blog and long may I remember I have one!


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