New money saving habits

I have been listening and reading lots of material by personal finance and FIRE gurus to find ideas and inspiration on how to be more frugal and channel this extra money into investments and savings. I don't live in a rural area and have no plans to move to the countryside so living off the land and using firewood for heat will not work for me. Instead I think I will work on small steps which eventually will become ingrained habits. So here are some of my ideas:

- Get rid of Sky! This should save about £40 a month although it is likely we will be subscribing to Netflix for £7.99.
- Cook more meals from scratch and plan meals over the week. This will hopefully mean less waste and a lower grocery bill.
- Go to Lidl to buy things like pasta, tins and biscuits. Again this should shave some money off the grocery bill.
- Change mobile contracts. Saving will be about £20 a month
- Stop mindless spending on things like clothes, shoes, snacks, drinks, books, magazines and other pointless things. I am going to try and only buy things I actually need and use the things I already have.
- Turn off the lights and standby gadgets. Not sure this will save much but I think its a good habit to get into anyway.
- Stop gambling. The reality is that the odds are never in your favour so no more lottery or scratch cards even when I have had a bad day and would like to wallow in some wishful thinking.

I am sure there is much more I can do but lets see how these go first.


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