A midlife rethink - will less mean more

I guess its a bit of a cliche that you hit midlife and start reevaluating your life. I am sitting here by my dining table surrounded by lots and lots of clutter that over the years I have accumulated. Although I am not unhappy with life, I also don't think I am particularly happy with it. I am basically in a rut. Since the start of 2016 I have embarked on a mission to become more frugal and make money online with some modest success. However, I still feel slightly adrift and know that I need to reset or recharge my inner self. I recently watched a documentary about minimalism and I believe there is something of value in what they were saying. The mountains of stuff that sits on tables, in drawers and wardrobes is mind boggling but also feels like a burden. Most of it doesn't particularly bring any joy or even utility into my life, and maybe it is time to get rid of all this stuff and lead a simpler life. I don't think I am ready to only own enough possessions to fit into two travel bags but I certainly think I could bin, recycle or sell a few items each day. Lets see where this takes me.


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